By accessing and using the website, (hereinafter, the
“Web”), a visitor of the Web acquires the condition of user, which means that the user
completely accepts the conditions of use in force at any given time, without reservation.
We deem the privacy of persons to be important, which includes both visitors to our
website,, the “Web”), and any other
affected persons who provide us with information through the same, whose data are
DALT”. as a part of providing services (hereinafter and jointly, “you” or the “user(s)”). In
this regard, HOTEL CAN MORA DE DALT undertakes to process your data in
accordance with personal data protection regulations that are applicable and in force at

any given time. Specifically, HOTEL CAN MORA DE DALT will comply with the
provisions set forth in Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection
and the guarantee of digital rights; with the provisions set forth in Regulation (EU)
2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the
protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the
free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC; and with the provisions
set forth in any other correlated regulations that may be applicable and in force at any
given time.
Consequently, HOTEL CAN MORA DE DALT reports its Privacy Policy in order to
make users aware of the processing of their data and of the fundamental principles on
personal data protection that it applies. For this purpose, consult the sections listed
1. Who is the controller of your data?
Identity of the Data Controller: INMACULADA BOGUÑA RIERA (HOTEL CAN MORA
Tax ID Number (N.I.F.): 36876966P
Address: Major St 7, 08394 St. Vicenç de Montalt (Barcelona)
Telephone: +34 93 791 0570
2. What are the main purposes for processing your data?
Through e-mails that are sent and/or calls that are received, HOTEL CAN MORA DE
DALT gathers and processes your personal data for the purpose of handling and
managing requests, questions, consultations, room reservations, restaurant services
and/or subscriptions to our newsletter. In brief, to provide you with the requested

3. What is the legal basis for processing your data?
The legal basis for handling and managing requests, questions and/or consultations, as
well as reservations that are made through our web page, are the existence of a pre-

contractual and/or contractual relationship (if applicable), in addition to the legitimate
interest of HOTEL CAN MORA DE DALT. The legal basis for the subscription to our
newsletter is your consent.

4. How long do we store your data?
All data obtained will be kept as long as your relationship with us is maintained, and
even after the end of that relationship during the necessary period for formulating,
exercising or defending claims and legal obligations, during which time the data will be
duly blocked. Regarding the newsletter, the data will be maintained until you request to
unsubscribe and/or exercise your right of objection.

5. Who could be the recipients of the communication of data?
We hereby inform you that we will never transfer to or exchange your personal data
with third parties without your express consent. Nevertheless, your data could be
transferred to competent bodies and/or authorities in cases in which there is a legal
obligation to do so. Likewise, your data could be transferred to suppliers and/or outside
service providers, with whom we have signed the legally required contracts according
to which compliance with personal data protection legislation is guaranteed, in addition
to their obligations as data processors.

6. What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
 Right to request access to personal data: you may ask HOTEL CAN MORA DE
DALT if it is processing your data, and if it is, you may have access to the
 Right to request that data be rectified if they are inaccurate or that data be
completed if they are incomplete.
 Right to request the erasure of your data.
 Right to request the restriction of processing: in this case, we will only keep
data for exercising or defending against claims.
 Right to object to processing: HOTEL CAN MORA DE DALT will cease to
process personal data, unless they must continue to be processed for legitimate
reasons or for exercising or defending against possible claims.
 Right to the portability of data: in the event that a user would like for their data
to be processed by another data controller, HOTEL CAN MORA DE DALT will
facilitate the transfer of their data to the new controller.

 Right to not be the object of automated decision-making regarding your
personal data.
If you had given your consent for any specific purpose, you may withdraw that consent
whenever you wish, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the
consent prior to withdrawal.
To exercise your rights, please send written notice to HOTEL CAN MORA DE DALT
located at Major St 7, 08394 St. Vicenç de Montalt (Barcelona), thereby indicating your
full name and address, or send us an e-mail at
If there are any doubts about your identity, it may be necessary to include a photocopy
of your D.N.I. (National Identity Document) or a legally equivalent document that
proves your identity. You can therefore use the models and forms for exercising
different rights that are available through the Spanish Data Protection Agency on its
official web page (
We hereby inform you of your right to file a claim before the Control Authority,
specifically the Spanish Data Protection Agency (
electronica-web/vistas/formNuevaReclamacion/reclamacion.jsf), and before all other
public bodies that may hold jurisdiction over any claim derived from your personal data.

7. Links
The Website could contain links to other web pages. Keep in mind that we are not
liable for the privacy and data processing of other web pages. This Privacy Policy is
applicable solely to the information that is gathered on this Website. We recommend
that you read the privacy and data processing policies of any other web pages that you
may connect to from our Website or that you may otherwise visit.

8. Social networks
HOTEL CAN MORA DE DALT is present on some of the main social networks on the
Internet, for which it acts as the data controller in relation to the data published by
HOTEL CAN MORA DE DALT will process the data on each social network according
to the rules established for such purpose by each social network. Therefore, and
unless otherwise stated, HOTEL CAN MORA DE DALT may inform its followers on the

corresponding social network about its activities, events and other related subjects,
including follower services, therefore using the channels that the social network
provides for such purpose.
HOTEL CAN MORA DE DALT will not retrieve personal data from social networks,
unless a user gives us their express consent.

9. Direct marketing
We do not use your personal data for direct marketing purposes without your prior,
express consent.

10. Modifications to and the integrity of our Privacy Policy
We will only use your personal data in accordance with the provisions set forth in the
Privacy Policy that is in force at the time when we obtain your personal data. HOTEL
CAN MORA DE DALT reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time.
Such modifications will be published on our website, and we therefore recommend that
you consult the policy whenever you visit the website. If, at any time, we decide to use
personal data in a manner other than what was stated when such data were obtained,
we will inform you via e-mail, as long as we have your e-mail address. At that time, you
will be given the option to authorize other uses or disclosures of the personal data that
you had provided to use before the modification of our Privacy Policy. If any clause of
this Privacy Policy were cancelled or deemed to be void, all the other conditions will not
be affected and will continue to be in full force and effect, in accordance with applicable
legislation in force at any given time.